Read more about Landlord Services

We offer residential landlords a range of fixed fee services, including a £75 + VAT fixed fee consultation.
To discuss how we can help you recover outstanding rent and possession of your property, give us a call on 0333 888 0404 or email us at [email protected]
We specialise in providing legal services to landlords.For assistance with preparing a tenancy agreement, seeking possession and everything in between, we are here to help.
Our lawyers are experienced in helping landlords recover possession of their property. Contact our landlord's legal helpline on 0333 888 0404 or email us at [email protected]
We look at when we might expect to see the suspension of possession proceedings lifted and what steps landlords can take in the meantime.
Covid-19 will result in many more landlords encountering tenants who are unable to pay their rent and other related issues in the coming weeks and months. Landlord and Tenant solicitor, David Paull, takes a closer look at how the courts are dealing with possession claims during the crisis.
Our Landlord and Tenant team offer legal guidance to landlords during the coronavirus crisis.