Planning & Highways

Our solicitors represent and advise landowners and developers on planning law, including planning applications, planning appeals, planning agreements and compulsory purchase orders. We can also help with highways law, public footpaths and traffic orders.

Working with the local highway authorities

We work alongside local highway authorities (Highways England) on issues involving the Highways Act 1980. This includes the stopping up and diversion of highways for developers and dealing with public rights of way.

Maximising the value of your property

If you wish to maximise the value of your land or property by realising its full planning potential you will need lawyers who are familiar with the detail of the planning law system in England and Wales.

Planning application objections

If you are worried about a planning application from a neighbour or developer affecting your property then we can guide you on making an effective objection.

Planning Agreements

If you are required to enter into a planning agreement in order to secure your planning permission, such as a s.106 Agreement, we can undertake the necessary drafting and negotiation on your behalf.

Planning Notices

If you have received a Planning Notice then our specialist lawyers are here to help.

Areas of Specialism:

Section 106, 104, 38 and 278 Agreements
We are highly experienced in dealing with all agreements required under the Town and Country Planning Act.
Planning applications, certificates of lawfulness and appeals
Our planning team can deal with planning applications, certificates of lawfulness, planning appeals and all other aspects of planning law.
Advice on enforcement notices
If you have been served with an enforcement notice then we are here to offer expert guidance on the legal options open to you.
CIL - Community Infrastructure Levy
The Community Infrastructure Levy is a charge made by local authorities on new development in their area to fund local infrastructure. Our team can advise you on your legal position where the Levy applies.
Agricultural planning issues
Our experts are highly experienced in dealing with planning issues involving agricultural property and land, such as agricultural ties.

Work with our team:

Nick Arthur
Nick Arthur is head of Slee Blackwell's Commercial Department. He is tremendously experienced, having been specialising in business law and commercial property since the early 1980s.
Nick Arthur
Nick Arthur is head of Slee Blackwell's Commercial Department. He is tremendously experienced, having been specialising in business law and commercial property since the early 1980s.