Slee Blackwell

The best solicitors in Devon

An independent legal publication has recognised Slee Blackwell as one of the best solicitors in Devon, writes legal journalist Jessica Ross.   

2016 Slee Blackwell Croquet Challenge

Graeme Biffen and Martyn Venner of Greenslade Taylor Hunt successfully defended their title with a back-to-back win in the Annual Slee Blackwell Croquet Challenge.

Online divorce: You pay peanuts – you get a criminal record

A cautionary tale for those thinking of using online divorce services. Whilst these may well on the face of it seem like a cost effective way of dissolving your marriage, you could end up with a great deal more than you bargained for.

An imaginative way to avoid a financial claim following divorce

As divorce law solicitors we’re well accustomed to hearing a wide range of arguments on why financial claims made following divorce are unfair or unreasonable, but a recent case took a particularly inventive approach.

Personal Life Coaching

Going through separation and divorce can be very disruptive. It is also a time when strong emotions come to the surface.

Taunton Estate Agents, Greenslade Taylor Hunt, Lift the Slee Blackwell Croquet Challenge Trophy

On Wednesday 14 October, Naomi Ireson and Kit O’Brien, lawyers at our Taunton office, were delighted to present the Slee Blackwell Solicitors Croquet Challenge trophy to the worthy winners of the competition we hosted in September.

Is Social Media Harming Your Relationship?

Kit O’Brien, a specialist family law solicitor, reviews the latest research linking social media with relationship breakdown.

Will New Pension Reforms Lead To Rise In the Buy To Let Sector

From April 2015 some of the biggest changes we have seen to the pension system have come into force.

Slee Blackwell launches specialist birth injury website

Slee Blackwell’s specialist medical negligence department has launched a new website, dedicated to mothers and babies who have suffered an injury at the time of birth.

Jimmy Savile: The Exeter Connection

The recently published Giving Victims a Voice report claims that Jimmy Savile offended at an Exeter hospital in 1970.