Supermarket car park accident victim wins £150,000

For a free assessment of your supermarket car park accident call our free legal helpline on 0333 888 0404 or email [email protected]. We offer a nationwide service and can work on a No Win, No Fee basis.

Our specialist injury claim team have recovered compensation totaling £150,000 for the victim of a supermarket car park accident

Our client had popped to her local supermarket to buy a couple of bits, but as she crossed the supermarket car park a vehicle flew round the corner, knocking her down and driving over her leg.

The hospital consultants initially thought her leg might have to be amputated, but fortunately they were able to save it. Nevertheless the road to recovery was a long and painful one.

We deal with supermarket accident claims and were appointed to deal with the compensation claim on her behalf. We agreed to undertake the case on a No Win, No Fee basis.

Jasmine Moxey-Butler, a Chartered Legal Executive who has been shortlisted for a national CILEX award, began gathering important evidence to ensure that our client would secure the best possible settlement and maximum compensation. Jasmine worked closely with our client, her family, the medical experts and a specialist personal injury barrister appointed by us.

A detailed letter of claim was submitted to the driver’s insurance company holding him legally responsible for the supermarket car park accident. In the meantime arrangements were made for our client to be seen by an independent rehabilitation team. The team were able to work with our client extensively. However, her recovery was primarily down to her own hard work and perseverance.

Despite all her best efforts she continued to suffer problems, especially with her injured ankle and was understandably worried about the long-term effects. We arranged for our client to be examined by an orthotist. He was able to fit our client with orthoses which meant she was able to return to some of her pre-accident hobbies, like shopping with her sister!

A psychiatrist confirmed that our client had suffered an ‘Adjustment Disorder’ due to the severity of the injury and the impact that the accident injuries had on her day-to-day life.

Due to our client being unable to work she found money was getting extremely tight. We therefore secured her an ‘interim payment’ from the insurance company so that she could continue her claim without feeling financially pressured into settling too early for an inadequate sum.

Jasmine visited our client on many occasions, meeting with her husband and discussing how the accident had impacted on the family as a whole. This helped Jasmine to fully understand what our client was going through and fine-tune the compensation package so that every aspect of her losses was included.

Jasmine’s hard work resulted in the claim settling out of court for a total of £150,000.

If you have been the victim of a supermarket car park accident then call our FREE injury helpline on 0333 888 0404 or email us at [email protected]

Picture of Jasmine Moxey-Butler

Jasmine Moxey-Butler

Jasmine is a specialist personal injury lawyer. She is based at our Taunton office where she represents clients nationwide. Jasmine has achieved a number of particularly noteworthy successes and has been able to succeed in cases where other law firms have failed. Her tenacity and expertise brings results and her clients are thoroughly impressed by the service she provides.
Picture of Jasmine Moxey-Butler

Jasmine Moxey-Butler

Jasmine is a specialist personal injury lawyer. She is based at our Taunton office where she represents clients nationwide. Jasmine has achieved a number of particularly noteworthy successes and has been able to succeed in cases where other law firms have failed. Her tenacity and expertise brings results and her clients are thoroughly impressed by the service she provides.

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