Dog injury claims during lockdown

Slee Blackwell Solicitors specialise in dog injury claims, representing victims nationwide. If you require expert legal guidance on a dog injury claim then simply contact our free legal helpline on 0333 888 0404 or send an email with brief details to us at [email protected]

Dog injury claims and the impact of Coronavirus. Our specialist team look at how the lockdown has led to an increase in dog attacks.

Dog attacks happen all too frequently, however the COVID–19 pandemic seems to be increasing the likelihood of someone being attacked by a dog.

The country is currently facing an unprecedented crisis, with draconian social distancing restrictions being put in place to minimise the devastating effects.

The rules allow for one form of exercise a day such as a run, a walk or a cycle. Dog owners who are well and not showing any symptoms can walk their pet once a day as part of these exercising guidelines.

Understandably we have concentrated our attention on how these regulations impact on human beings. However the effects on our canine friends can be just as great. Here are a few of the ways in which the current restrictions may impact on dog behaviour:

  • Many dogs will be receiving less exercise than usual;
  • A change in a dog’s exercising regime, such as someone else walking them may cause a change in the dog’s behavior;
  • Dogs are intuitive – they may pick up on their owner’s worries causing them to feel anxious themselves; and
  • Dogs that are currently being trained may find their training being disrupted due to classes being cancelled;

The huge reliance on home deliveries also means that dogs are encountering more strangers on their home territory and some are reacting with hostility.

Not surprisingly if a dog is feeling anxious or apprehensive then, even the most placid may attack and cause injury.
Our specialist dog lawyers have received an increased number of enquiries about dog injury claims during the coronavirus lockdown. Those particularly affected, and who we are speaking to daily, are self-employed delivery drivers who are having to make the very difficult decision whether or not to attend their GP or hospital for treatment.

In order to make a successful dog injury claim for compensation it is necessary to satisfy a number of strict legal requirements. If you call our free legal helpline our lawyers will use their knowledge and experience of this specialised area of law to provide an accurate case assessment. If you then choose us to take on your dog injury claim we will ensure you achieve the best possible outcome.

So, if you have been the victim of a dog attack and wish to make a dog injury claim then contact our specialist dog bite compensation team for a free case assessment on 0333 888 0404 or send brief details to us by email at [email protected]


Picture of Jasmine Moxey-Butler

Jasmine Moxey-Butler

Jasmine is a specialist personal injury lawyer. She is based at our Taunton office where she represents clients nationwide. Jasmine has achieved a number of particularly noteworthy successes and has been able to succeed in cases where other law firms have failed. Her tenacity and expertise brings results and her clients are thoroughly impressed by the service she provides.
Picture of Jasmine Moxey-Butler

Jasmine Moxey-Butler

Jasmine is a specialist personal injury lawyer. She is based at our Taunton office where she represents clients nationwide. Jasmine has achieved a number of particularly noteworthy successes and has been able to succeed in cases where other law firms have failed. Her tenacity and expertise brings results and her clients are thoroughly impressed by the service she provides.

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