Settlement agreement solicitor

Our settlement agreement service is usually available to employees without charge. Contact us for details.

Are you looking for a local Devon settlement agreement solicitor?

We are a local firm of solicitors with offices in Devon and Somerset who have a team of experienced settlement agreement solicitors, all at partnership level.

While we provide a national service (see our dedicated website we are particularly popular with clients in the south west who are looking for a genuinely local service.

If you think you may be about to be offered a compromise agreement by your employer (possibly following a protected conversation) then you can contact our free legal helpline for expert guidance.

Where a settlement agreement has already been offered to you and you need to appoint a solicitor to advise you on its terms then our team is here to help.

In most cases the employer will agree to make a contribution to your legal costs. As long as that contribution is a reasonable one then we will agree not to charge you more than the sum offered. So effectively you will pay nothing for our advice.

If your employer doesn’t mention legal costs to you then we will be happy to contact them direct to obtain confirmation that our costs will be covered.

Once you have decided to appoint us the process is very simple. Just send us the settlement agreement together with any relevant correspondence with your employer and we will make arrangements to discuss it with you.

You are welcome to visit us in person at any of our offices in Devon and Somerset. Alternatively we can deal with things over the telephone, or through a video call if you prefer.

We will direct you to the particularly important provisions of the settlement agreement, pointing out what the legal consequences are for you personally. And if you need time to go back to your employer to renegotiate any particular aspect of the settlement such as the reference, or the amount of compensation, then that will be absolutely fine.

So, if you are looking for a local Devon settlement agreement solicitor, or one based in Somerset, then give us a call on 0808 139 1589 or send us an email at [email protected]






Picture of Lee Dawkins

Lee Dawkins

Lee Dawkins, who is Slee Blackwell's marketing partner, is an experienced litigation solicitor with a background in professional negligence, contentious probate, and personal injury law.
Picture of Lee Dawkins

Lee Dawkins

Lee Dawkins, who is Slee Blackwell's marketing partner, is an experienced litigation solicitor with a background in professional negligence, contentious probate, and personal injury law.

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