When you’re going through a divorce, trust interests must be disclosed, so that any resulting assets and resources can be taken into account. With there being a variety of types of trust, there’s scope to argue exactly what a person’s beneficial interest in a trust is, particularly when the provision is at the discretion of the trustees. There are a variety of types of trust, often with significant scope for argument as to the value of a person’s beneficial interest in a trust.
When you contact a specialist law firm like Slee Blackwell, you can get key advice on the implications for divorcees who are trust beneficiaries, trustees who are called upon to provide information to the court and to other beneficiaries of an affected trust.
Our team can help you figure out exactly what you’ll be entitled to and to make sure that every beneficiary of the trust is fairly and truly represented so that their interests are protected.
Slee Blackwell are proud to have been given the Employer of the Year Award by the Devon and Somerset Law Society and to be winners at the NSPCC Childhood Champion Awards 2018. Our divorce solicitors are also accredited by The Law Society in finance and children work.