testicular torsion compensation claim

Case summary of a successful testicular torsion compensation claim our team resolved.

In this case study we look at successful medical negligence claim that was made following delayed diagnosis of testicular torsion.

Background of the claim

We were approached by Ms W. She asked if we could assist her with a medical negligence claim for her son, due to a delay in diagnosing testicular torsion that had resulted in the loss of one testicle.

Ms W told us she had taken her son to his GP practice as he was suffering from pain and swelling to his left testicle. The GP referred him to the local hospital on the same day, where he had an examination and “testicular torsion” was noted. Later that day a consultant urologist reviewed our client and concluded that it was not a torsion. He sent him home, asking him to return the following day for a ultrasound scan.

Ms W and our client arrived at the hospital the following day and underwent the ultrasound scan which revealed a ‘heterogenous solid mass in the upper pole of the left testis’. He was given pain relief, told to go home and return in 3 weeks for a further ultrasound scan.

Two days later, our client returned to the hospital due to more swelling in his testicle and was sent for another scan. The scan revealed testicular torsion. He had to undergo a medical procedure known as an orchidectomy, which involved removal of the testicle. He also had to undergo an orchidopexy on the other testicle.

The medical negligence claim

With testicular torsion cases, it is very important to operate as soon as possible to avoid more damage to the testicle and needing to have the testicle removed. We have handled many testicular torsion cases, and AvMA panel lawyer Oliver Thorne submitted a claim to the NHS trust based on the failure to diagnose the torsion on the first presenting day at the hospital. Oliver alleged that if this had been done, the orchidectomy would have been avoided.

The Trust admitted liability, but did not accept what had been presented in terms of our clients injuries and loss. Oliver therefore instructed a psychosexual therapist to prepare an expert report, which came back supportive. This led to negotiations taking place and our client receiving £32,500 in an out of court settlement.

Free consultation

Contact our specialist team of medical negligence solicitors for a free consultation about making a testicular torsion compensation claim on a no win, no fee basis.

Call 0333 888 0404 or email us at [email protected]

Picture of Oliver Thorne

Oliver Thorne

Oliver is a campaigning medical negligence lawyer with a nationwide client base. He is spearheading the fight for justice of hundreds of British PIP breast implant victims in the French courts, while closer to home he deals with a wide variety of medical negligence cases, including birth injuries.
Picture of Oliver Thorne

Oliver Thorne

Oliver is a campaigning medical negligence lawyer with a nationwide client base. He is spearheading the fight for justice of hundreds of British PIP breast implant victims in the French courts, while closer to home he deals with a wide variety of medical negligence cases, including birth injuries.

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