Laparoscopic Ventral Mesh Rectopexy claims

We specialise in Laparoscopic Ventral Mesh Rectopexy claims on a No Win, No Fee basis. Contact us on  0333 888 0404 for a free case assessment or send us an email.

Laparoscopic Ventral Mesh Rectopexy claims

Caroline Webber Brown specialises in Laparoscopic Ventral Mesh Rectopexy claims and has an established track-record of success in recovering compensation for her clients. She works on a No Win, No Fee basis and provides a popular case assessment service free of charge. You can call her on  0333 888 0404 for a free initial chat or send an email to her at [email protected]

What is Laparoscopic Ventral Mesh Rectopexy?

The Laparoscopic Ventral Mesh Rectopexy (LVMR) procedure is surgery which is usually performed to treat obstructive defecation (i.e. incomplete emptying, abdominal/pelvic pain, urgency or the need for digitation) due to rectal intussusception/external rectal prolapse or an internal rectal prolapse with a rectocele.

A LVMR is performed by keyhole surgery and uses mesh which is stitched to the rectum to hold it in place to stop the telescoping of the bowel.  When mesh was originally introduced it was presented as an improved alternative to other types of prolapse repair, including the posterior fascial repair.

Problems with Laparoscopic Ventral Mesh Rectopexy

The use of mesh and the LVMR procedure has led to a number of serious health issues for patients who have received it and should only have been inserted after the failure of non-surgical treatment options, including the use of laxatives/suppositories and physiotherapy/biofeedback therapy.

Problems with LVMR have arisen where patients are unable to empty their bowels following surgery and have to rely on irrigation or have a stoma performed.  For some patients, the mesh itself has eroded into other internal organs following surgery. There have also been numerous instances of mesh being inserted in patients whose symptoms did not warrant the surgery being performed and non-surgical treatment options would have provided sufficient relief to their symptoms.  A significant number of patients were also not warned about the risks of undergoing mesh rectopexy  whereby evacuatory symptoms could be worsened by 20% or that there was a 3-4% risk of mesh erosion or a 4-5% risk of sexual dysfunction.  Additionally, patients have later discovered that additional mesh prolapse procedures, including the sacrocolopexy and colporrhapy, were performed without consent or clinical basis.

How we can help with Laparoscopic Ventral Mesh Rectopexy claims

If you have had this procedure carried out and suffered a worsening of your defecation/constipation symptoms, debilitating pain and discomfort as a result, then speak to specialist solicitor Caroline Webber-Brown. She is experienced in dealing with Laparoscopic Ventral Mesh Rectopexy claims and will be happy to have a chat with you about your case on an informal basis and answer any questions that you have. Caroline will also be happy to explain how our popular No Win, No Fee funding works.

Call Caroline on 0333 888 0404 for a free chat or send her an email at [email protected]


Picture of Caroline Webber-Brown

Caroline Webber-Brown

Caroline Webber-Brown is an experienced solicitor specialising in clinical negligence. She has a strong focus in cases involving catastrophic injuries for both children and adults and has a special interest in gynaecological and cosmetic surgery claims.
Picture of Caroline Webber-Brown

Caroline Webber-Brown

Caroline Webber-Brown is an experienced solicitor specialising in clinical negligence. She has a strong focus in cases involving catastrophic injuries for both children and adults and has a special interest in gynaecological and cosmetic surgery claims.

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