Contact with children during school holidays

Contact with children during school holidays: Making the best arrangements for your children’s care.

School holidays can often be a stressful time for parents, and if you are separated from your partner, making arrangements for your children can add emotional pressure to an already challenging situation.

During the school holidays, it’s vital to prioritise the wellbeing of your children. Emotions may be heightened, but keeping your children’s best interests at the forefront of decisions is crucial.

It’s important to remember that despite being separated, you and your former partner still share parental responsibility. Both parents have equal rights to be involved in key decisions affecting your children’s lives, including their time during school holidays. There are no strict rules or guidelines about how much time each parent should spend with the children during the holidays. The arrangements should be flexible and based on what works best for your family.

One of the most effective ways to reduce conflict is by agreeing to a ‘voluntary arrangement’. This can help maintain a peaceful atmosphere and lay the foundation for a cooperative, supportive co-parenting relationship moving forward. If your children are old enough to express their preferences, it’s also important to listen to and consider their wishes when planning arrangements.

Often, when children are of school age, parents will agree to a schedule which works for school time and another schedule during school holidays which provides for the children have additional time with both parents.

The “key” holidays such as Christmas, are often alternated annually to ensure the children experience balanced holidays. This approach provides a sense of stability and fairness for all parties involved.

Once an agreement is reached, it’s important to document it in writing and share it with both parents well ahead of time. This helps prevent misunderstandings and gives everyone time to prepare for the holidays.

If an agreement cannot be reached and court proceedings are necessary, it is important to bear in mind that any order made by a Judge is legally binding and the arrangements set down might not be the best for your particular family. This is why, out-of-court agreements are always encouraged.

If you are uncertain or have concerns about your childcare arrangements, seeking legal advice is a good step. Our experienced family law team is here to help you navigate these arrangements and provide the guidance you need to ensure a positive experience for both you and your children during the holiday period.

We offer a free consultation service. So, for expert legal guidance on contact with children during school holidays call us on 0333 888 0404 or email us at [email protected].

Picture of Gemma Sparks

Gemma Sparks

Gemma Sparks is a lawyer in our family law team.
Picture of Gemma Sparks

Gemma Sparks

Gemma Sparks is a lawyer in our family law team.

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