Can I claim against my parent’s estate?

We are often approached by people asking, 'can I claim against my parent's estate?' The short answer is that you can if you satisfy the requirements of the Inheritance Act.

Can I claim against my parent’s estate?

We specialise in Inheritance Act claims on a national basis and frequently assist sons and daughters with inheritance claims against their mother or father’s estate.

The law relating to inheritance claims against a parent’s estate is complex and children contemplating such a claim are best advised to speak to a specialist solicitor.

To give you an idea of the issues that can be involved when you claim against your parent’s estate we have prepared the following summary of one of the leading and most famous court cases, the Inheritance Act claim of Heather Ilott.

Background to the case

The claim was brought by Heather under the Inheritance (Provision for Family & Dependants) Act 1975 for reasonable financial provision from her mother, Melita’s, estate. Heather had been written out of Melita’s Will with the entire estate passing to three animal charities as a result of years of disagreement and estrangement.

When Heather’s inheritance claim was originally heard the District Judge ordered that it was unreasonable for Melita to exclude Heather from her Will, despite the fact the Will was accompanied by a ‘letter of wishes’ explaining why she had excluded her. The Judge awarded Heather £50,000 from her mother’s £486,000 estate.

Heather appealed the decision to the High Court. However, instead of increasing the award the High Court ruled in favour of the charities’ cross appeal, which meant that Heather’s claim was dismissed and she was awarded nothing.

Heather then took her case to the Court of Appeal, arguing that the High Court Judge had made an error in overturning the District Judge’s decision.

The Court of Appeal’s Decision

The Court of Appeal ruled in favour of Heather and agreed that the High Court Judge was wrong to overturn the District Judge’s earlier decision.

The Court of Appeal Judges decided that:-

1. The District Judge asked himself the correct legal question in looking at whether the facts created an “unreasonable result” (as previous cases required him to do) rather than whether Melita’s conduct in excluding Heather was unreasonable (which the charities argued he had done).

2. The District Judge was entitled to weigh up the facts put before him at the original hearing in 2007 and decide whether the section 3 factors “tipped the scales” so as to create an unreasonable result for Heather.

In weighing up the facts the District Judge did not merely focus on one of the section 3 factors (Heather’s need for the money) but instead he weighed up all of the factors, including the size of the estate, the charities’ contrasting need for the money and Melita’s conduct towards Heather. He found those factors outweighed other factors such as Heather’s conduct towards Melita.

In making an overall judgment on whether the facts proved that there was an unreasonable result for Heather, The District Judge had to make a “value judgment”. In doing so he decided that:-

a) Heather was entitled to make her life with her partner (and later husband) and to have a family of her own away from her mother.

b) It was reasonable for Heather to remain at home, rather than working, having done so during her marriage whilst her 5 children were growing up.

c) Families were not all to be blamed for their lack of income which makes a claim for tax credits necessary and possible.

The Court of Appeal stressed the importance of allowing Judges to make that “value judgment” as they are the ones who hear all of the witnesses and full facts of the case. They made it clear that appeal court Judges should not interfere with those value judgments unless it can be proven that the trial Judge asked himself the wrong legal question or paid attention to the wrong facts.

As the District Judge did not do either of these things in this case his original ruling that reasonable financial provision had not been made for Heather was upheld.

3. As the District Judge did weigh up all of the section 3 factors, and not just Heather’s need for the money, he acted in accordance with the 1975 Inheritance Act which was created for the very purpose of changing the terms of a testator’s Will where those terms are unreasonable in all of the circumstances.Further, Parliament has reviewed this legislation on a number of occasions over the years resulting in specific removal of restrictions upon adult children bringing a claim under the 1975 Act, even if it was possible for them to subsist without a successful inheritance claim being made.

The case is now being referred back to a different judge at the High Court to decide whether the £50,000 was the correct amount to award Heather, or whether, as she argues, she should receive more.

How we can help

If you are an adult child, or any other eligible claimant under the Inheritance Act and you think that you may have a claim, then please do not hesitate to speak to one of our specialist contentious probate solicitors for a free initial assessment of your claim.

We are experts in dealing with Inheritance Act cases, dealing with claims nationwide.

We have a range of funding options available, including No Win – No Fee agreements.

Call us now for a free case assessment on 0333 888 0404 or send us an email.

Picture of Lee Dawkins

Lee Dawkins

Over the past 30 years Lee has overseen the expansion of the firm’s litigation department. He developed our personal injury and clinical negligence teams, creating various niche areas that now enjoy a national profile. He pioneered contentious probate, setting up one of the UK's leading inheritance dispute teams and established Slee Blackwell as a force within claimant professional negligence. He now works as the firm's marketing partner.
Picture of Lee Dawkins

Lee Dawkins

Over the past 30 years Lee has overseen the expansion of the firm’s litigation department. He developed our personal injury and clinical negligence teams, creating various niche areas that now enjoy a national profile. He pioneered contentious probate, setting up one of the UK's leading inheritance dispute teams and established Slee Blackwell as a force within claimant professional negligence. He now works as the firm's marketing partner.

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