Care home fee recovery success

If you would like our help with your Continuing Healthcare Funding appeal then contact us for a free initial chat.

We win care home fee recovery appeal

Our care home fee recovery team have successfully obtained a reimbursement of over £12,000 in wrongly paid care home fees on behalf of a patient who was incorrectly refused NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding (CHC).

The patient (who we cannot name for confidentiality reasons) had dementia and sadly passed away whilst the CHC application was on-going.

Initially Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group refused to grant CHC, despite a positive assessment. The family instructed Slee Blackwell Solicitors to represent them and we took the case to an appeal.

At the appeal we explained that the patient’s needs were unpredictable, intense and complex.

The patient had dementia and was registered blind and deaf. As a result of his illness, the patient was agitated, verbally and physically aggressive, completely unable to communicate and at high risk of falling.

We successfully established that the patient’s primary need was one of health and that he was entitled to receive CHC funding under the NHS.

The care home fees that were wrongly charged will now be reimbursed and our client’s estate will benefit from this. The figure recovered represented fees incurred over the relatively short period of time the patient was in a care home. In other cases the level of care home fees is often much higher.

If you think your loved one is entitled to CHC then please contact us today for a free, no-obligation initial assessment.

Call 0333 888 0404 or email [email protected] for details of how we can help with your care home fee recovery claim on a No Win, No Fee basis.

Picture of James McNally

James McNally

James McNally was the recipient of the DASLS Solicitor of the Year award for 2024.
Picture of James McNally

James McNally

James McNally was the recipient of the DASLS Solicitor of the Year award for 2024.

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