We have been ranked the best professional negligence solicitors in the UK

We deal with professional negligence claims nationwide and can work on a No Win, No Fee basis. Contact our free legal helpline for a case assessment.

We have been independently ranked the best professional negligence solicitors in the UK by ReviewSolicitors

The independent legal review platform ReviewSolicitors has rated us the best professional negligence solicitors in the UK, ranking us number one out of 1,254 firms nationwide*.

The rankings are primarily based on the reviews that have been collected from the clients of Slee Blackwell Solicitors LLP over the course of the last 12 months.

ReviewSolicitors also take into account law firms’ accreditations, experience, size and the notable cases they have dealt with.

In addition to ranking us the top lawyers in the country for professional negligence the review site also rates us as ‘Excellent’ in providing value for money.

Emma Slade, the partner who heads up our professional negligence department, was delighted with the ranking:

“To be independently ranked as the best professional negligence solicitors in the UK is a tremendous achievement, especially when we were up against over 1,200 firms who deal with this area of law.

This is a great testament to the excellent team we have and the dedication of our lawyers and support staff.

It is also a reflection of our technical expertise. Professional negligence law is very complex and the solicitors who specialise in this field must have a really good grasp of the issues that affect the various professions against whom negligence claims are made. This includes surveyors, accountants, financial advisors and architects.

Claims against solicitors also call for a wide ranging knowledge of all aspects of legal practice, as claims are made in relation to areas as diverse as conveyancing, litigation and divorce law.

Having been ranked number one in the country the challenge now is for us to remain in first place.”

So, if you are looking for experienced and highly rated professional negligence solicitors then get in touch with us. We offer a free case assessment service and we will be happy to consider No Win, No Fee funding.

Call us free on 0333 888 0404 or get in touch by email at [email protected]

* ReviewSolicitors July 2023 www.reviewsolicitors.co.uk




Picture of Lee Dawkins

Lee Dawkins

Over the past 30 years Lee has overseen the expansion of the firm’s litigation department. He developed our personal injury and clinical negligence teams, creating various niche areas that now enjoy a national profile. He pioneered contentious probate, setting up one of the UK's leading inheritance dispute teams and established Slee Blackwell as a force within claimant professional negligence. He now works as the firm's marketing partner.
Picture of Lee Dawkins

Lee Dawkins

Over the past 30 years Lee has overseen the expansion of the firm’s litigation department. He developed our personal injury and clinical negligence teams, creating various niche areas that now enjoy a national profile. He pioneered contentious probate, setting up one of the UK's leading inheritance dispute teams and established Slee Blackwell as a force within claimant professional negligence. He now works as the firm's marketing partner.

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