If you are searching for the best medical negligence solicitors in Devon, then look no further. We have been independently ranked as the top medical negligence solicitors in the county*.
Independent legal review website, Review Solicitors, has ranked Slee Blackwell number 1 in its review of the best medical negligence solicitors in Devon. With over 1,200 reviews we have an overall five star rating.
The rankings are mainly based on reviews left by clients, but also take into consideration factors such as:
- our professional accreditations;
- notable cases;
- experience of our lawyers;
- size of our firm; and
- our Legal Ombudsman records.
The review site also rates us ‘Excellent’ for providing value for money.
You can read all the reviews we have received by clicking on the tab on the right of this page. Among those reviews are the following:
Excellent service
“Mia has been amazing throughout, I honestly couldn’t have asked any more of her! Great communication and and is extremely professional. She goes above and beyond to give the best advice/ help. Would highly recommend.”
“I had a terrible time with a previous solicitor and moved to this firm. Working with Olivia currently and she’s incredible. All the people on my case have been assigned with great care and tailored for my comfortability also. I’m very grateful to be working with Olivia.”
“Clarissa continues to help me with my legal claim and is both extremely professional, helpful, proactive always very friendly and approachable explaining processes and legal jargon every step of the way. It is a pleasure to deal with her.”
Our team is led by Oliver Thorne, who is an AvMA panel member and recommended by the two leading independent legal guides, the Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners. Oliver campaigns tirelessly for victims of medical accidents and has done much to shine a spotlight on inadequate maternity services in Devon.
We offer a free consultation service we can also make hospital and home visits in Devon, Somerset and throughout the whole of the south west.
So, if you need advice from top-rated medical negligence solicitors in Devon, then call 0333 888 0404 or send details of your case to us at [email protected].Â