Appointing Slee Blackwell as a professional deputy

Slee Blackwell Solicitors have a specialist Court of Protection team. If you require further information about the Court of Protection you can visit our dedicated website here. Alternatively you can call our free legal helpline on 0333 888 0404 or send us an email.

If you are involved with the Court of Protection, you can appoint Slee Blackwell as a professional deputy.

What is a deputy?

When someone loses mental capacity and they have not made a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) then it may be necessary to apply to the Court of Protection for a Deputyship Order to be made.
A Deputyship Order appoints a deputy to manage the property and financial affairs of the patient who has lost capacity. The deputy can be a relative or a trusted friend. Once appointed the deputy has the power to make decisions on behalf of the patient.

What is a professional deputy?

Sometimes it is beneficial to have a professional deputy appointed, rather than a relative or family friend, especially where no suitable lay deputy can be found, where there is a family dispute or where relatives live some distance away from. Solicitors often perform this role, with many people appointing Slee Blackwell as a professional deputy.
A professional deputy can often be helpful when the patient who has lost capacity has a large sum of money that needs managing. This includes cases where someone has been awarded compensation after an injury or medical negligence claim.
A professional deputy is also needed when complex issues arise in relation to the patient’s financial and business affairs, adapting a property for their use, managing a care plan or liaising with case managers.

How does a professional deputy work?

Professional deputies are monitored and subject to extremely close supervision by the Office of the Public Guardian and the Court of Protection.
A professional deputy will have a comprehensive understanding of how deputyships are dealt with, the procedures of the Court of Protection, the standards issued by the Office of the Public Guardian, and the operation of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.

Appointing Slee Blackwell as a professional deputy

If you are dealing with the affairs of a  person who has lost mental capacity and think a deputy needs to be appointed, then please contact our Court of Protection Team on 0333 888 0404 or email us at [email protected]
We will answer your questions and tell you what will be involved when appointing Slee Blackwell as a professional deputy.

Picture of Naomi Ireson

Naomi Ireson

Naomi is a specialist inheritance dispute lawyer and one of England’s leading practitioners in this complex field. Her areas of practice include claims under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975, challenges to the validity of wills and beneficial interest claims involving estoppel and constructive trusts. She also deals with Court of Protection cases.
Picture of Naomi Ireson

Naomi Ireson

Naomi is a specialist inheritance dispute lawyer and one of England’s leading practitioners in this complex field. Her areas of practice include claims under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975, challenges to the validity of wills and beneficial interest claims involving estoppel and constructive trusts. She also deals with Court of Protection cases.

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