Personal injury specialist, Elizabeth Duncan, recently recovered over £100,000 for her client in a finger injury compensation claim.
Elizabeth’s client – who we will call Mr X – was a crane operator. He was adjusting a part of a crane one day when his finger was struck by machinery and crushed. Mr X had treatment in hospital but unfortunately infection developed and the soft tissues of the finger joint were catastrophically affected.
Mr X went on to develop a pain condition called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. This caused intense pain radiating from the injured finger up Mr X’s arm and into his shoulder and neck. It was incredibly debilitating and Mr X was unable to work for months.
When he returned to work he was only able to undertake light duties and missed out on the overtime and enhancements he had previously been able to earn. He was unable to return to his full duties due to limited use of his hand and arm. He felt so under pressure that he ended up leaving his job and taking a driving job instead. Even this was difficult though and he required adaptations to enable him to work with his injured hand and level of pain.
Understandably Mr X suffered mentally as a result of being in constant physical pain. He struggled to sleep and to cope with his new limitations.
Mr X instructed Elizabeth to pursue a finger injury compensation claim, and she agreed to work on a No Win, No Fee basis.
Happily Mr X’s former employer admitted fault fairly quickly, meaning that Elizabeth could focus on her client’s recovery.
Elizabeth persuaded the employer to engage in the Rehabilitation Code and as a result they funded around £10,000 worth of private medical treatment and therapy to help Mr X recover as far as possible.
Elizabeth also gathered evidence from a range of medical experts, including an orthopaedic hand specialist, a psychiatrist, and a pain consultant. Financial evidence of losses and impact on earnings was also obtained to enable the full financial impact of the injury to be calculated. Mr X had changed job since the accident and was earning the same as before but his new job had less opportunity for progression and Elizabeth ensured that this was reflected in the compensation sought.
Elizabeth went on to secure an out of court settlement for Mr X of over £100,000.
If you are looking for experienced solicitors to pursue your finger injury compensation claim then call our free legal helpline on 0333 888 0419 or email us at [email protected]