We offer fixed fee family law in Devon and Somerset
Unlike many firms we do offer fixed fee family law in Devon and Somerset, but this is only where the circumstances allow us to judge from the outset the amount of work that will be required.
The cost of legal work largely depends on what steps are involved and how long it will take to complete them. Legal cases are by definition open ended. The steps that have to be taken are often dictated by what the opponent says or does. The client and their legal team are not therefore entirely in control. Some family law disputes appear to be highly contentious and intractable at the outset, but turn out to be relatively easily resolved. By contrast, other family disputes start out looking like they can be settled early on when in reality they become protracted and very litigious.
It is also dangerous to encourage people to focus solely on how cheaply they can get a particular legal service carried out. Its all too likely that they will be wasting money at a time when what they really need is cost effective, proactive and realistic legal advice and support. Family lawyers know all too well that the instructions they receive are understandably and inevitably bound up with the distress of a relationship breakdown. People are trying to sort out things that they need to think about with their head, at a time when they’re pretty much focussed on their heart. The picture you start with may well be very different from the final picture that emerges at the end. And sometimes, people going through divorce or separation behave very, very badly.
So while we do offer fixed fee family law in Devon and Somerset, we cannot regrettably offer fixed fees for all the work that might be required. However, if we can’t give you a fixed fee for sorting out finances or issues relating to your children then talk to us about what we can achieve for you and what it is likely to cost.
Call us now on 0333 888 0404 or send us an email.