Sexually assaulted on holiday abroad

If you have been sexually assaulted on holiday abroad then contact our free legal helpline for a confidential review of your case by one of our specialists and details of our no win, no fee funding scheme.

Have you been sexually assaulted on holiday abroad?

Unfortunately it is not uncommon for British holidaymakers to be sexually assaulted on holiday abroad. But when it occurs, what rights do you have to claim compensation?

Assaults overseas are generally dealt with under the local laws where the incident took place, which can make seeking compensation particularly difficult for UK citizens.

However, if you were traveling on a package holiday when the assault occurred then you may be able to rely on The Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations.

These regulations allow British people to seek compensation from tour operators here in the UK, rather than trying to pursue complex, uncertain and expensive legal actions against parties in foreign jurisdictions.

The application of the Package Tour Regulations in relation to a someone being sexually assaulted on holiday abroad was tested in a recent legal case. The good news for travellers is that Supreme Court ruled in favour of  the claimant, a British woman who was raped by an employee of the hotel she was staying at in Sri Lanka with her husband. The employee, posing as a security guard, had offered to show the woman a shortcut back to the reception area at the resort, but Instead he lured her into an engineering room where he committed the offence.

Travel operator Kuoni defended her claim, but was held liable under the Package Tour Regulations for what had occurred, and was ordered by the court to pay the woman compensation.

Our abuse team are experienced in dealing with package holiday sexual assault cases and can work on a no win – no fee basis.

It is important not to delay in seeking legal advice, so if you have been the victim of an attack then you should get in touch with us as soon as possible.

If you have been sexually assaulted on holiday abroad then contact our free legal helpline for a confidential review of your case by one of our specialists and further details of our no win, no fee scheme.

You can call our free national helpline on 0333 888 0404 or email us at [email protected].




Picture of Elizabeth Duncan

Elizabeth Duncan

Identified by the 2022 edition of The Legal 500 as one of the UK's 'Leading Lawyers', Elizabeth Duncan is a personal injury solicitor who specialises in a number of niche areas, including abuse, sexual assault and CICA criminal injury claims.
Picture of Elizabeth Duncan

Elizabeth Duncan

Identified by the 2022 edition of The Legal 500 as one of the UK's 'Leading Lawyers', Elizabeth Duncan is a personal injury solicitor who specialises in a number of niche areas, including abuse, sexual assault and CICA criminal injury claims.

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